Currently looking for someone who wants to do a cheesy notebook exercise with me designed to either focus you on noticing the qualities they want in a partner when they see them or use LOA depending on your perspective
I am ENM
Also looking for someone who wants to read with me:
Brain Injury Medicine
Principals and Practice
(Third Edition)
Easier to remember stuff when I discuss it
So hard to keep this updated
The ableism on this app towards people who have difficulties with reading and writing is ironic considering that this is a rare social media app where someone like me who finds visual social media to be painful to interact with can mostly function okay
If you’re not sure if someone is a troll on here & they are unable to use visual social media, maybe look at how many followers there have on here & let that figure into your guess work
I come on here for a bit, find it to be harmful, then I end up not coming on for weeks or months
Sometimes there are wonderful moments too
Started Paxlovid 7/8/22, yes, it really does leave a weird taste in your mouth that is a cross between grapefruit, dish soap and metal, but it seems to be working
Tested positive for the ‘rona 7/07/22, got it from my roomate who didn’t bother to tell anyone he was sick
Not having fun, but at least there’s Paxlovid
Right here is pretty much best case scenario for being in the same room as someone with the Covid
🤧 🤪 😆
I just did 62 hours of a 72 hour fast yesterday -6/7/2022
Autophagy fail 😂
Got my third Moderna booster and happy and enjoying life now
Had some emotionally tough weeks
Trying to glue my pieces back together
Certainty is an emotion and a neurologist named Robert A. Burton wrote a book called On Being Certain that scientifically proved that point :)
Got my second Moderna shot today! 5/5/2021 💉 🥰 💗
Feeling pretty run down today 😞 5/07/2021
Same 5/11/2021
My insomnia is still extra bad, but getting better :)
5/21/2020 Still trying to fix my sleep schedule, but mostly back to normal now :-D
(The first shot left me really messed up for 2 weeks, so I’m ridding it out now :)
Clubhouse glitched and deleted my whole bio
It was a collection of things from the whole time I’ve been on Clubhouse, and now I’m too sad to write a new one, and I hope they actually take my request to put it back and do it
Yes, I should have backed it up.
Thanks, that’s really helpful now that it’s deleted already
Invited by: Andrew Tunks
if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.
Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
July 01, 2024 | 1,644 | -1 | -0.1% |
May 29, 2024 | 1,645 | +1 | +0.1% |
April 26, 2024 | 1,644 | +4 | +0.3% |
March 17, 2024 | 1,640 | +1 | +0.1% |
February 24, 2024 | 1,639 | +4 | +0.3% |
February 07, 2024 | 1,635 | +15 | +1.0% |
January 20, 2024 | 1,620 | +4 | +0.3% |
January 04, 2024 | 1,616 | -1 | -0.1% |
December 19, 2023 | 1,617 | +3 | +0.2% |
December 04, 2023 | 1,614 | +13 | +0.9% |