Kane Oxholm-Mountbatten-Abry-Diaw de Baye
🇬🇧🇩🇰🇫🇷 ⚜️
📍London - Paris - Charlottenlund
💼Barrister (Pupil), Support Advokatfuldmægtig, Academic.
🎓The University of London Institute in Paris (ULIP - QMUL), Paris-Saclay University, The University of Edinburgh.
🤓LL.B. (Hons), MA, LL.M., PhD, AFHEA. (INTJ-A)
📚K Abry-Diaw de Baye, USA/EU: The convergence and specifics of EU competition law and American antitrust law regarding the prohibition of price scissors as constitutive of abuse of dominance, May 2019, Concurrences N° 2-2019, Art. N° 89963.
📚K Abry-Diaw de Baye, EU: The criminalisation of competition law breaches - Another attempt to square the circle?, February 2020, Concurrences N° 1-2020, Art. N° 92669.
📚K Abry-Diaw de Baye, »„Bundesverfassungsgericht zur EZB“: Endnu et slag for EU efter Brexit? Gennemgang af en kontroversiel beslutning og dens implikationer for Eurozonen og den Europæiske Unions fremtid«, maj 2020, SSRN.
Hobbies: 🎹🎻🎤🏇🏃♂️.
CH ✳️: Udlandsdanskere, Political Agora.
WhatsApp: +45 91 40 47 84
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
September 05, 2023 | 148 | 0 | 0.0% |
October 15, 2022 | 148 | -2 | -1.4% |
August 18, 2022 | 150 | -1 | -0.7% |
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September 30, 2021 | 149 | +1 | +0.7% |