Author of The Black American Tree Project
🌳 🌳
Essential Soft Skills Trainer, Author, and Personal Coach
Kijiji Success Group - Founder of KSG, a mutually supportive community of people who want to see others grow in their strengths and gifts.
Extended Team member of The Art of Social Change, a Theory U Presencing Institute (PI) u.lab 2x team.
Danyetta works alongside people to mine their talents, explore their interests, develop their passions, change their mindsets, and maximize their strengths.
Danyetta trains and facilitates learning around strengths based communication, cultural awareness and cultural humility within human services organizations. She coined the term, Person-Centered Cultural Humility in an effort to connect the two ideas and assist people who want to effectively support and serve others while honoring other people’s culture. She developed 10 Commitments to Person Centered Cultural Humility.
Danyetta is trained in Cultural Humility which have bolstered her most recent coauthored work, The Black American Tree Project (BATP).
Invited by: Doug Blecher
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