🎉 new to CH; help me plug in!
Immersive Designer || Edutainer
{ 🔎 :: collaborations, themed entertainment, mentoring opportunities, cool people }
// Intimacy x Curiosity x Inspiration //
these concepts rule my existence
and I am relentless in their pursuit
I am ::
- an Immersive Experience Designer/Writer/Creator for theatre, film, escapes, mail, literature, podcasts, games, puppets, environments, expos, brands, museums, and product launches
- host of the art history crafting show Nina Nightingale’s Charm School on Atlas Obscura
// bit.ly/charmschool2021
- one of fewer than 100 freehand silhouette portrait artists in the world
// silhouette-portraits.com
- a death doula initiate volunteering with Chicago’s Mutual Aid Mourning Project
// transformativespaces.org
- a Production Designer
// popmagic.org
- a props and puppet builder committed to green theatre/film practices and proud that 90% of my materials are reused, recycled, and sustainably sourced
// proprthtr.org
- a specimen taxidermist
// naturemuseum.org
- a yoga nidra guide
- building a museum
- a tinyhouser/vanlifer
- well-travelled
- a child of the Filipinx-American diaspora
- queer { she/they/siya }
- a proponent of restorative and rehabilitative justice over punitive
- a wordsmith
- a worldbuilder
- a fan of absinthe and sensuality,
either/or in any order or simultaneously
Invited by: Coelti
if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.
Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
September 29, 2023 | 52 | +1 | +2.0% |
March 19, 2022 | 51 | +2 | +4.1% |
September 29, 2021 | 49 | +1 | +2.1% |
August 08, 2021 | 48 | +6 | +14.3% |