South Asian Dating on Clubhouse

South Asian Dating Clubhouse
2 Members
Updated: Apr 16, 2024


If you’re a single South Asian (or of South Asian descent) and want to connect live with others, this is for you! Please be kind and respectful! Everyone MUST have their IG connected and open to be eligible to come shoot your shot!
Connect your IG!: Please have your IG connected to your profile and also have it open! We want to ensure everyone’s safety and avoid catfishing!
Have a bio!: Populate your bio with your location and bits about yourself for others to get to know you!
Be ready and be respectful!: Take a look at people’s bio and be ready to shoot your shot! Be respectful when speaking to others and give everyone a fair chance, no interrupting!


Connect your IG!

Please have your IG connected to your profile and also have it open! We want to ensure everyone’s safety and avoid catfishing!

Have a bio!

Populate your bio with your location and bits about yourself for others to get to know you!

Be ready and be respectful!

Take a look at people’s bio and be ready to shoot your shot! Be respectful when speaking to others and give everyone a fair chance, no interrupting!

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