Talk Like An Egyptian on Clubhouse

Talk Like An Egyptian Clubhouse
8.7k Members
Updated: Jun 29, 2024


This club is currently inactive on Clubhouse. The only option on this app is to delete groups, so consider this page an archive of a lovely community.

An inclusive space for the Egyptian diaspora and our friends. Tehya Masr! 🇪🇬

Talk Like An Egyptian (TLAE) is the first and one of the largest communities for Egyptians on Clubhouse. 9k members, 37k followers and growing daily.

Club Rules:
*apply to members as well as TLAE room participants or followers
**these rules must be followed along with Clubhouse’s community guidelines, which you can review in settings

1. Respect All Members

We respect and welcome all club participants regardless of socioeconomic class, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation and faith. We have no tolerance for intolerance in this club, so be kind to everyone.

2. Name Your Rooms Mindfully

We want to allow space for conversation — please insure that your room titles welcome that. Rooms with ‘clickbait’ or disrespectful titles that do not encourage dialogue are not welcome here.

3. Nominate People To The Club

Please nominate at least five people to the club that you think will bring a positive energy to our rooms. (Click the user icon at the top right corner and hit “Search Clubhouse” to add your friends or colleagues.)

Disclaimer: While moderators or speakers of this club can be licensed and certified professionals, they are not YOUR professionals. Anything you hear in this club does not substitute medical or clinical advice. They are only sharing their views.

‏قواعد الانضمام

‏ احترام جميع الأعضاء

‏نحن نحترم ونرحب بجميع المشاركين في النادي
‏بغض النظر عن العرق ، اللون ، الهوية ، التوجه الجنسي والمعتقد الديني. لا نتسامح مع عدم التسامح في هذا النادي ، لذا كن لطيفًا مع الجميع.

‏قم بتسمية غرفتك بعنايه

‏لأننا نريد إتاحة مساحة للحوار
‏يرجى التأكد من أن عناوين غرفتك ترحب بالجميع. لا يُرحب بالغرف التي تحتوي على عناوين غير محترمة لا تشجع الحوار.

‏ترشيح اصدقاء للنادي

‏يرجى ترشيح خمسة اصدقاء على الأقل للنادي والذي نعتقد أنه سيجلب طاقة إيجابية إلى غرفنا. (انقر فوق الزاوية اليمنى العلوية واضغط على "Search Clubhouse" لإضافة أصدقائك أو زملائك.)
Respect All Members: We respect and welcome all club participants regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation and faith. We have no tolerance for intolerance in this club, so be kind to everyone.
Name Your Rooms Mindfully: We want to allow space for conversation — please insure that your room titles welcome that. Rooms with ‘clickbait’ or disrespectful titles that do not encourage dialogue are not welcome here.
Nominate People To The Club: Please nominate at least five people to the club that you think will bring a positive energy to our rooms. (Click the top right corner and hit “Search Clubhouse” to add your friends or colleagues.)


Respect All Members

We respect and welcome all club participants regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation and faith. We have no tolerance for intolerance in this club, so be kind to everyone.

Name Your Rooms Mindfully

We want to allow space for conversation — please insure that your room titles welcome that. Rooms with ‘clickbait’ or disrespectful titles that do not encourage dialogue are not welcome here.

Nominate People To The Club

Please nominate at least five people to the club that you think will bring a positive energy to our rooms. (Click the top right corner and hit “Search Clubhouse” to add your friends or colleagues.)

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
June 29, 2024 8,713 -1 -0.1%
March 22, 2024 8,714 0 0.0%
February 01, 2024 8,714 0 0.0%
December 18, 2023 8,714 0 0.0%
November 07, 2023 8,714 0 0.0%
October 08, 2023 8,714 -3 -0.1%
September 08, 2023 8,717 -3 -0.1%
August 10, 2023 8,720 -3 -0.1%
July 09, 2023 8,723 -3 -0.1%
June 16, 2023 8,726 -40 -0.5%
March 16, 2023 8,766 -34 -0.4%
August 14, 2022 8,800 -100 -1.2%
March 11, 2022 8,900 -133 -1.5%
November 23, 2021 9,033 -4 -0.1%
November 21, 2021 9,037 -1 -0.1%
November 20, 2021 9,038 -2 -0.1%
November 19, 2021 9,040 -2 -0.1%
November 16, 2021 9,042 -1 -0.1%
November 15, 2021 9,043 -5 -0.1%
November 09, 2021 9,048 -1 -0.1%
November 08, 2021 9,049 -3 -0.1%
November 07, 2021 9,052 -4 -0.1%
November 02, 2021 9,056 -4 -0.1%
October 31, 2021 9,060 -2 -0.1%
October 29, 2021 9,062 -4 -0.1%
October 27, 2021 9,066 -125 -1.4%
August 25, 2021 9,191 -2 -0.1%
August 24, 2021 9,193 -2 -0.1%
August 22, 2021 9,195 +1 +0.1%
August 20, 2021 9,194 -3 -0.1%


Some Club Members

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