Conversa on Clubhouse

Conversa Clubhouse
14 Members
Updated: Mar 26, 2024


English is just a language. It has 4 basic skills LSRW. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing 👍
More exposure to any language gives us confidence. So let's do it together here.🤝
Ground Rules
Don’t be ashamed to make mistakes.
The important thing is to keep trying.
Leave your shyness when you enter the room.
Remember we all started weak, but we became strong with the support of each other.
Learn small sentences and memorize vocabulary.
Daily Targets:
1. Read newspaper
2. Watch English News Channel daily
3. Pick 10 minimum 5 new words and make sentences.
Make a plan for yourself and follow it strictly till you reach it.
Please follow moderators: Founder Asad Umri
Please Listen and don’t interrupt: ☘️ Don’t ever speak when others are speaking.
☘️ Do not laugh when others are speaking.
☘️ Mute your microphone once you enter the room and step on to speaker panel and wait for your turn to speak.

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