Living in Alignment on Clubhouse

Living in Alignment Clubhouse
5 Members
Updated: Jun 27, 2024


What does Alignment mean to you?
How can we live our lives from a place of alignment?

Our Rooms:
❤️ Spiritual Grounding, Stability, & Foundation: What does it mean to ground yourself? How can you ground into yourself?
🧡 Abundance, Manifestation, & Desires: How can you allow more good into your life? What would make you feel satisfied?
💛 Self Acceptance, Self Reliance, Self Compassion: How is your perception of yourself disrupting your alignment? What is preventing you from believing in yourself?
💚 Love, Unity, Harmony, Compassion, Openness: How can you let love live through you? How can you allow the power of love to extend to all?
💎 Inner Voice, Inner truth, Communication: What does self expression mean to you? How can you express your truth?
💙 Intuition, Inner Wisdom, Inner Knowing: What is your higher self trying to tell you? How can you connect to your inner wisdom?
💜 Connecting to Divine Oneness, Consciousness: What is divinity? Where can you see examples of Divine Love within you? How can you connect to and move closer towards a higher conscious?

Classes start July 5th
ONE MIC: Only one person speaks at a time. Please mute your mic when someone else is talking and wait for the person to mute their mic before speaking. We want to give everyone a chance to speak.
LOVE FIRST: We all have different perspectives, let’s make sure we put love first and treat each other with kindness and respect as we learn more about ourselves and each other.
CREATE A POSITIVE SPACE: It’s up to all of us to let this club be a positive and healing space for others, a place where people feel welcome, where they feel peace.



Only one person speaks at a time. Please mute your mic when someone else is talking and wait for the person to mute their mic before speaking. We want to give everyone a chance to speak.


We all have different perspectives, let’s make sure we put love first and treat each other with kindness and respect as we learn more about ourselves and each other.


It’s up to all of us to let this club be a positive and healing space for others, a place where people feel welcome, where they feel peace.

Some Club Members

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