6 Members
Updated: May 14, 2024


The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By the one in whose hand is my soul, you must enjoin good and forbid evil, or else Allah will soon send punishment upon you. Then, you will call upon Allah and it will not be answered for you.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2169

The Messenger (ﷺ) said, ‘When the people see a wrongdoer and they do not prevent him then Allāh will soon punish them all.'” (Abu Dāwūd 4338 Sahīh by Al-Albāni). 

In a wording there occurs: “There are not a people among whom acts of disobedience take place and they are able to change them but they do not change them except that Allah will soon include them all in a punishment from Himself.” (Abu Dāwūd 4338, Sahīh by Al-Albānī)]

This Club is Dedicated to Giving Naseeha (SINCERE Advice) to Myself and the Rest of the Ummah.

Like Sheikh FAWZAN said "NASEEHA IS WAJIB (OBLIGATORY) on the Ummah. According to One's sincere Ability.

So let's Advice one another. Let's keep REMINDING One Another to Fear our Lord at all times, wherever..whenever. SPEAKING the Haqq (Truth) according to QURAN, SUNNAH by the Understanding of the Salaf and SCHOLARS of AHLUS SUNNAH WA JAMA'AH is Only what this Room is dedicated to. When SCHOLARS differ, What is Most Authentic and closer to Truth is what would be discussed here, pondered and reflected on, and then Acted Upon In shaa Allah.
No CHERRYPICKING or WATERING DOWN Here. Straight Facts with Proofs/Evidences.
Allah says "Bring your Proof if you're Truthful"
The Truth Hurts...but our Prophet peace be upon him said that rejection of Truth is ARROGANCE. Let's humble ourselves, Accept the Truth, Blame only Ourselves and Change!
Allah does not change the Condition of a people until they change what is in Themselves...
Only if We Remind Ourselves, Advice One Another using QURAN AND SUNNAH, then Act upon The Reminders, Only Then...would Allah grant us Success in This World and the HEREAFTER....
May ALLAH grant us Success and Make it easy for us...Ameen

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