Yutaka Kuroda on Clubhouse

Updated: Sep 27, 2023
Yutaka Kuroda Clubhouse
48 Following
Feb 12, 2021 Registered
@ykuroda16 Username


Lives in Silicon Valley (CA, USA)
- Cardinal Consulting (Managing Director, CEO)
- Mirai Gakuen (Managing Director, CEO) 未来学園
- EduBizLink(CEO)
- Stanford University (M.S. Engineering Management)
- Waseda University(B.S. Electronics and Communications Engineering)
- NEXs Tokyo Mentor
- なぜ日本企業のビジネスは、もったいないのか(日本経済新聞出版社)
- シリコンバレーのコンサルタントから学ぶ、成功するイノベーション(幻冬社) など
- ウェブコラム: シリコンバレー通信 www.sv-comm.com
Past Experiences:
- SRI International (Asia Program Director, Principal Consultant)
- Asia Pacific Director in several startup companies in Silicon Valley
- IBM Asia Pacific HQ (Product Manager)

Last 10 Records

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Day Followers Gain % Gain
September 27, 2023 4 +1 +33.4%

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