Yakov Gellert on Clubhouse

Updated: Apr 18, 2024
Yakov Gellert Clubhouse
2.3k Following
Feb 19, 2021 Registered
@yakovgellert Username


🎙 Intentionally speak about IT. Often. Beware, humans.
💾 Follow me, if you’re willing to get into the tech parties.

Making this account my own Wikipedia page:

📎 Entrepreneur, Designer, Programmer, SysAdmin, DevOps, Manager, Marketer, Toaster, Banana, Trophy, Tissues.
🎙 Creator of the «Sacred Clean IT Club».
🏀 Love basketball.
🚨 Opinions are my own. All of them. Even yours.

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SEO. Разработчик. Тестировщик. Рекрутёр. Руководитель компаний. Менеджер. СисАдмин. Part of IT Community. Russian IT. IT Russia. WorldWide IT. Relocation. Digital Nomad. Clubhouse IT. АйТи. IT. IT HR. IT HeadHunter. Программист. Hacker. Хакер. Developer. Dev. QA. QA Automation Testing. ООП. OOP. Patterns. SOLID. ACID. CAP. Functional Programming. Функциональное программирование. Лямбда исчисление. Исчислимость. Тест Тьюринга. Lambda Calculus. Computability. Turing Test. DevOps. Linux. Unix. MacOS. Windows. Frontend. Backend. Fullstack. PR. IT PR. HR. Tech. Technologies. SysAdmin. SaaS. System as a Service. Server. CS. Computer Science. Design. Marketing. Management. Figma. Photoshop. PS. Фриланс. Freelance. React. Angular. Nodejs. Flutter. Native. React Native. Java. JavaScript. PHP. Python 2. Python 3. Perl. Bash. Shell. POSIX. TypeScript. TS. JS. Golang. Go. Scala. Clojure. ClojureScript. Dart. Rust. C. C++. D. Haskell. Erlang. Elixir. Racket. Scheme. Lisp. Pascal. QBasic. Assembly. Containerd. Clouds. AWS. Systemd. OpenSource. AMD. Nvidia. Intel. M1. Apple. Google. Framework. Ionic. Apache Cordova. Apache. NGINX. Kotlin. Android. iOS. Nextjs. Vue. Vuejs. Gatsby. Jekyll. Hugo. Docusaurus. Sphinx. ElasticSearch. Docker. Kafka. MySQL. PostgreSQL. Cassandra. CouchDB. MSSQL. SQL. NoSQL. NoCode. HTML. CSS. Kubernetes. K8s. Microk8s. K3s. Virtualization. Hyper-V. VM. QEMU. Kvm. Bhyve. Sun. Solaris. VirtualBox. VMWare. Startups. Tech Startups. InfoSec. CyberSec. CTF. Capture the flag. Information Security. White hat. Black hat. 0day. 0-day. CTO. CEO. СЕО. СТО. Engineer. Engineering. Software. Microservices. Monolith. Soft. Софт. Coding. Code. IT Consulting. IT Talks. IT Work. Soft Skills. Hard Skills. Digital. Digital Transformation. Цифровая трансформация бизнеса.

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April 18, 2024 1,388 +2 +0.2%
February 20, 2024 1,386 -1 -0.1%
February 02, 2024 1,387 +1 +0.1%
December 31, 2023 1,386 +1 +0.1%
November 06, 2023 1,385 +1 +0.1%
September 17, 2023 1,384 +1 +0.1%
September 10, 2023 1,383 +4 +0.3%
July 09, 2023 1,379 -21 -1.5%
September 22, 2021 1,400 +32 +2.4%
August 16, 2021 1,368 +4 +0.3%


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