Tyler Chin on Clubhouse

Updated: Sep 9, 2023
Tyler Chin Clubhouse
102 Following
@thetylerchin Username


Founder of Transform Cultures Consulting 💡| Board Member of the Recruiters Association Malaysia 🤟 | Interview Hacker 🧐 | Ex-Ghostwriter 👻 | Co-Host of the Personal Branding Jumpstart Podcast🎙️

I'm a total geek when it comes to understanding people, and I'm lucky to have found a way to understand people for a living.

What's unique about what I do?
📌 My interview structure tests for conviction as opposed to confidence - I bypass insincerity and interview preparedness so you get to know who you're really hiring
📌 No 100-question personality test - just an open conversation space so you understand the candidate's value system and priorities. This predicts behaviour far more accurately in my experience.
📌 Every candidate will feel they are fairly evaluated, AND they'll enjoy the interview. This keeps good relationships with talents and save you time on addressing disputes about unfairness.

So not only do I offer better hiring accuracy, better candidate experience and negate any possibility of learning how to "cheat" through your interview process - you also set the right expectations from the very start.

DM me for a free consultation to discuss your hiring process, I'll only take you on as a client if I'm confident my solution meets your needs.

What am I here for?
✔️ Have open conversations with people
✔️ Network for business collaborations
✔️ Learn about different people from different cultures and nationalities

I'm keen to collaborate and work with companies who champion:
🚀 Equality of opportunity
🚀 Diversity & inclusion
🚀 Open communication at the workplace
🚀 Profit with purpose

To grow their teams sustainably, and secure talents who believe in the organization's mission.

Hit me up on LinkedIn:


Join my Club: The Modern Workplace


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