Most know me as Chelsie, CMW (the former CMG) - a Momma, wifey to a retired cowboy, daughter, sister, and the list goes on.
What you might not know IS ...
💁🏼♀️I'm real. To the point where my friends know not to ask me a question if they are in need of a sugar coated answer.
📺 My guilty pleasure is true crime TV, documentaries, etc.
🍦 Chocolate is my weakness. Icecream to be exact. But luckily I can have it daily without the guilt. #proteinforthewin
🛍 If I were to be asked what my favorite pastime is, I would say shopping. I know, it sounds pathetic but I get such a rush off a great purchase. It’s also problematic because I like expensive things and that damn swipe up gets me every time. 2021 is my year to budget, wish me luck.
⭐️My biggest role model is my Mom. She worked way too hard for me to just be mediocre.
💵 I started my own business a little over 6 years ago, my initial investment was $29 and I literally EAT my overhead. The concept is fascinating to me, and the opportunity has abundantly blessed my family.
✈️ I travel for my day job - and fly pretty much as often as a flight attendant (preC0Vid). I'm 98% confident I could do their job in a crisis because I've heard the safety spill more times than I can count. "Please secure your own mask before helping others...." Check.
♥️My heart is with my family. Everything I do is for them. Always has been, always will be.
📚 I ended up getting my major in Communication/PR after ditching the thought of Medical School at the end of year 3 during undergrad. #gobeavs
✔️ I am Type A, a red personality <*flaming*>, and I'm extremely competitive with myself.
🏈 I LOVE College Football, but could go without the NFL .. but I do have mad respect for the GOAT.
👧🏼👦🏼👶🏼 I have three beautiful and WILD children, our third was a complete surprise and blessing .. and I get crazy anxiety over getting this parenting thing wrong.
✨I think God put me on this planet to bless and serve others, BUT you can only help those willing to admit they need and more importantly DESERVE a change.
💊 My husband is truly a Saint, and he is also one of the most stubborn people I have ever met .. but he's my drug.
😃 The first thing I notice about people .. Their teeth. A smile can change the world. These masks sure make that tough.
💥I operate best with a FULL plate, and I was once told that the word 'busy' is negative .. So I'll just say I'm always hustlin'
Invited by: Tyler Dickerhoof
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