רוה אבן חדד on Clubhouse

Updated: Dec 27, 2023
רוה אבן חדד Clubhouse
154 Following
@rueibnhaddad Username


"Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance" - Albert Maysles

"every Jew, regardless of differences and levels of observance, is part of Am Echad" - Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe

presence or green bean is NOT a co-sign


Orthodox Perush Judaism(Bei Abedan)
Nascent Sanhedrin Project in Yisroel's
Kiruv תורת אדום Noahide Judaism for Messianic Noahide
Hasmomean Minhag of Nabataea (Palestine-Romaniote-Judeo-Arabic)
Hakham Dr. Joses(The Nascent Sanhedrin Project)
Talmidim at The Kabbalah Centre Los Angeles
🕯🕎 ✡️🕍


Ima Sephardic Greenwood(Spain to Texas🤘🏿) שמעוני
Aba Romaniote Smith(Ghana🇬🇭 to Maryland) שמעוני

Haplogroups Y_E-L515 mt_L2a1n
Both found in the Levant and Arabia to this day and in present day Jewish populations

My Top 12 Related Genetic Populations
Source: MyTrueAncestry
1. Macedonian (8.699)
2. Lemba (9.351)
3. Bantu (10.61)
4. Greek_Thessaly(10.93)
5. Bulgarian (11.44)
6. Romanian (11.86)
7. Ashkenazi (12.31)
8. Greek (12.49)
9. Kosovar (13.13)
10. Serbian (13.46)
11. Mandenka (15.16)
12. Yoruba (15.22)
{Numbers to the right show distance from population}

70% Sub Saharan African(19% Esan, 16% Yoruba, 10% Akan, 7% Mende, 6% Luhya, 6% Cameroon Bantu, 5% Mandinka, 2% Igbo, 2% Tikar, 2% Kassena)

11%European(Greece/Italy Ashkenazi-Romaniote)

10% Asian(8% Central Asian, 1% Arab-Nabataean, Trace Ancestry from Mesopotamia)

4% Indigenous American


https://www.si.edu/object/siris_sil_972067 (The Forgotten Diaspora)


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21533020/ (The history of African gene flow into Southern Europeans, Levantines, and Jews)



https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3932865/ (Ancient west Eurasian ancestry in southern and eastern Africa)

https://www.didyouknowdna.com/famous-dna/cohanim/#:~:text=The%20first%20DNA%20study%20led%20by%20Dr.%20Skorecki,in%20particular%20was%20found%20in%2098.5%25%20the%20Cohanim. (What is YAP)

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