In 2014, writer-director-actor Obi Ndefo created and began writing a groundbreaking multicultural television series about the health of humanity and the health of our planet, entitled “JUICE BAR.” 🍏
As an uplifting comedic and magical visionary scripted universe, the series also tackles the greatest medical and social pandemics of our time, positioning the emerging series to be one of the most impactful creation in recent years.
In 2019, Obi Ndefo was struck by a hit-and-run drunk driver, severing both of his legs above the knee. Not only did Obi survive, but he immediately returned to work with selfless dedication on “JUICE BAR,” and bringing the full cinematic vision to the planet.
Join Obi Ndefo as he discusses the powerful 2021 movement to shoot the non-profit pilot of the series much in the mold of 1969’s “Sesame Street.”
This is a story of human resilience, survival, and the power of art to potentially heal our world. 🌍
Invited by: AASHA GOWDA
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