Connecting food & farm, brains & behavior
Is your 🧠 being manipulated about food? Science says yes. Psychology shows misinformation gets wedged in our brain. It’s tough!
💡 I’m here to listen to your questions about food & farming, help bring science 🧬 to the conversation, and LEARN👂🏻from those with different perspectives around the food plate. 🍽
📚Author of three books. All tell stories of food. All feature choice in nutrition AND on the farm. None proclaim that there is a “right” way to eat or grow food, but I am a bit insistent about firsthand expertise.
🎤Professional Speaker serving agriculture, dietitians, health professionals, and those with food interests. If you’re looking for high energy, thought-provoking, and sometimes sarcastic speaker for webinars or live conferences - I can help.
❓Seeking information and resources to help agriculture’s mental health crisis. Did you know that suicide rates are higher on the farm than in any other sector? It’s time break the stigma about talking about stress in farming and ranching.
🍇 Food should be about celebration, not condemnation. If you agree, let’s connect.
🐮On the personal side: I’m a wife, mom, stepmom, and Holstein breeder. I love 🍫🍨🍷🚴♀️ and my family/friends.
Invited by: Thom Singer
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
September 22, 2023 | 217 | +3 | +1.5% |
September 02, 2022 | 214 | +1 | +0.5% |
June 20, 2022 | 213 | +2 | +1.0% |
May 14, 2022 | 211 | +3 | +1.5% |
April 05, 2022 | 208 | +5 | +2.5% |
February 07, 2022 | 203 | +4 | +2.1% |
December 31, 2021 | 199 | +4 | +2.1% |
November 23, 2021 | 195 | +13 | +7.2% |
October 15, 2021 | 182 | +5 | +2.9% |
September 08, 2021 | 177 | +28 | +18.8% |