Marcus Hunter-Neill on Clubhouse

Updated: Jul 20, 2023
Marcus Hunter-Neill Clubhouse
248 Following
@marcusucan Username


Marcus is Extraordinarily ordinary! Founder of " The U=CAN Network "
and the mindvalleys Irish Ambassador, working as a Leadership, Personal & Business Development coach, a Social Entrepreneur #TedTalker🎙Host of Positively Portia, a 100% LOVER OF LIVE! Trying to raise the worlds vibe

Marcus has been living the dream 1 set back at a time ....Working in the field of Thought leadership, corporate global diversity and inclusion expert, also international coaching, retreats and 1 to 1 Personal, business, leadership & personal development,

he is a communications facilitator and leadership mentor who delivers workshops & seminars across a variety of sectors. He is delighted to be apart of the vibrantly dynamic team at Create Express and set up his own global coaching company, with a large focus on neuroplasticity and the science behind our cognitive behaviour.
Marcus works with a toolbox of a different kind, Leaving school with no qualifications – a result of severe dyslexia & bullying – he very quickly excelled his way to adult life and career by cultivating the art of listening, watching & reading human behaviour to figure out what makes people tick. 
Marcus’s experience comes from the performing arts, media, property & cosmetics. Being one of the 1st pioneerin drag artists in Northern Ireland with over 20 years later, Marcus was one of the early male's in cosmetic in NI during the ceasefire – was very a challenge, yet this did not stop Marcus breaking down barriers and bringing communities of people together.  So much so, that when working Benefits Cosmetics, they changed their UK wide training slogan; “There is the Benefit way & there is the Marcus way” he knows how to identify a weakness or quirky characteristic and turn it into a strength.
A colourful and hard working lifestyle allows Marcus to share his knowledge with others, to help, inspire & drive them forward in their own careers. If anyone knows how to conquer a blockage of self-belief or esteem, it’s Marcus. His team building, communication & sales techniques are a sight to behold, he worked 7yrs with BBC, freelanced Ch4, ITV, UTV, This Morning, global corporate bands, N.I Education board, NSPCC, Childline, Children in Need, different Cosmetics brand, MacMillan & running Look Good Feel Better. He has his own production company and is currently working on his first novel & a personal development book, get in touch for a simple zoom coffe, a stranger is only a friend we have yet to meet

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