🤱🏻Lactation Consultant | Content Entrepreneur | Breastfeeding Educator | Founder of Anggugu
✨ YouTube Content Creator | Founder of ANGGUGU, the largest Chinese breastfeeding community in Malaysia. 🤱🏻🤰🏻👨👩👧👦🇲🇾
✨ 泌乳顾问YouTuber |全马最大中文哺乳交流平台嗯咕咕的创办人🤱🏻🤰🏻👨👩👧👦🇲🇾
✨ I provide breastfeeding education for expectant mothers and breastfeeding mothers through Anggugu Breastfeeding Channel in YouTube, and paid online classes in my website.
✨ 我提供哺乳教育给怀孕中以及哺乳中的妈咪。在YouTube嗯咕咕哺乳频道的免费教育视频,以及收费的网上哺乳讲座。
✨ Founder of FB group Anggugu Breastfeeding Support Group, the largest Chinese language based breastfeeding community in Malaysia, with more 139k members.
✨ FB嗯咕咕哺乳支援群的创办人,是马来西亚最大的中文哺乳社交群组,群员超过139k。
🌐 Website 网站
💻 Online class 网上哺乳课程
📽️ Anggugu Breastfeeding Channel
📘 Anggugu Breastfeeding Support Group
✨ I answer breastfeeding questions in Clubhouse every Tue, Thu, Sat 9pm GMT+8. Mothers are welcome to join in and chat about breastfeeding, parenting or anything your non-parent friends won’t chat with you.
✨ 每个星期二四六晚上9点开聊天室回答妈咪们的哺乳疑问,并一起聊哺乳、育儿心事、或任何你那些还没成为父母的朋友不跟你聊的事。
✨ I support moms when they are facing breastfeeding challenges.
✨ 帮助妈咪们拆解哺乳期遇到的各种挑战及难题。
✨ Happy to collaborate with any small local businesses, please do not hesitate to contact me.
✨ 乐于跟小型企业合作,欢迎洽谈。
✨ Both FB group and YouTube channel are open for advertising or brand deals opportunities. Please drop me an email.
✨ 若有兴趣在FB群或YouTube频道置放广告,欢迎电邮联络。
📧 [email protected]
😎 略懂:日语、烘焙、画画、写作、平面设计、排版、视频编辑、音频编辑、编程
♥️ 声优:(本命)花江夏树 古川慎 興津和幸
♥️ 动漫:Dr. Stone 钢炼
♥️ 兴趣:阅读、动漫、美剧、MCU电影+连续剧、声优乙女抓马、科幻、电玩、任天堂、食物、水果
Introverted Scorpio