Novice screenplay writer. Completed tv pilot and two short screenplays. I am currently working on a clown based horror film 🤡 because there just aren’t enough out there.
Aside from writing a blockbuster, my goal is to travel our fabulous USA as a film festival advocate and develop a social media fan base.
I live in San Jose and consider Los Angeles to be a second home. I am retired from law enforcement and am willing to answer any procedural L.E. questions at no cost, whether it be for a film, curiosity or understanding.
Oh, and I Petsit anywhere in the country. I’ll treat your pet and home with the utmost of respect and discreetness. I have worked for high-wealth individuals and can provide referrals.
🐈 🐕 🐎 🦙 🐓 🐄 🦜 🐊
“Walk a mile in my shoes is good advice. Our children will learn to respect others if they can imagine themselves in another’s place.” – Neil Kurshancassawaxxxxxxxxxxxcccffs