🇨🇦 Global Citizen, Father, Canadian, Rabbi, Pastor Reiki Master,
University of British Columbia Edinburgh University, Pardes, Conservative Yeshiva, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies,
Human Rights in Canada
and Israel/Palestine,
Lover of Humanity, Fitness and Healing, Science, Ecology, Cosmology, Plan.
, Seeking to affirm the Divine in all Human beings 🇮🇱💓🇵🇸
I support the creation of One Binational State under a Federal Constitution https://shalomcrafter.weebly.com/federal-republic-of-the-holy-land.html
Respect for secular society and while working for activation of religious principles in Islam Christianity and Judaism in the facilitation of just peace.
: "הלל אומר: הוֶי מתלמידיו של אהרן, - אוהב שלום ורודף שלום, אוהב את הבריות ומקרבן לתורה".
Hillel says: be like the students of Aaron: loving peace and pursuing peace, loving all beings and bringing them to Torah.
يقول هيليل: كونوا مثل تلاميذ هارون: أحبوا السلام واسعوا وراء السلام ، أحبوا كل البشر وأدخلوهم إلى التوراة.
Gd is the only True Judge
אית דין ואית דיין
الله هو القاضي الحق الوحيد
Invited by: Eva Shortt
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