Radio Speaker, Accredited Journalist, Video maker, Graphic Designer Drawer and to do the story short what you can easily call an “Artistoid”
After a Diploma touristic enterprise and a post specialization in Web & Graphic Design and a grazing passage to the University I’m landed for a while in two different ADV agencies in Milan.
Understood that I need to “someone” (not an account) that could support my art and ideas to the client I leave the city to open in my birth land the Kingstorm Art Studio.
I love to study all the media and communication shades and there isn’t a challenge that me and my staff don’t take asa personal accasion to improve our skills!
[email protected]
Italian French English
Founder of Kingstorm Art Studio
Actually Host of Nerd youtube Vlog Printed in Canada
Co Speaker of “frugola la Vita”
Speaker of - Pump up the Volume
- International Airport
- Cinemex
I’m also a Geek collector of comics and memorabilia
I don’t disdain to create cosplay and useful replicas to shoot (low budget production is a life style)
Invited by: Ramona Bruno
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
August 27, 2023 | 7 | 0 | 0.0% |