Udja (Greetings) in the Ancient African 🌍Kemetic Language calls Medu Neter (Word of God) or Neter Medu (Divine Speech)
Kemetic New Years Day - July 20, 38,790 according to the Great Year system of time, reckoning calibrated by the Star Sirius.
🌟I Am aSTAR Djehuty Se Hotep, 💡LIGHTTOFORMIAN, Loving Life, ❤️ Living Loved introducing a new R.A.C.E. Paradigm of Compassionate Empowerment through Respect and Appreciation.🙌🏿😉
Do you sometimes have 😔feelings of being bound, locked down or imprisoned by dependency 😞leading to confusion, frustration, isolation, and the self-inflicted pain and sorrow 😪of self-condemnation?
Get a copy of my e-Book at
🤩www. starconsciousness.com.🤩
Language and Culture Decoded e-Book points you to your Divine Pharmacy to Free yourself from Dependency. This is your Divine Alchemy and STARPower.
Your Inner Pharmacy is your Divine Alchemy, God’s Alchemistry.
What is the e-Book Language and Culture Decoded about?
I will enjoy taking you on a literary journey of decoding about 100 common words in English grammar to tap into and release the deeper power of their meanings using a specialized self-created technique I call acrogramography (acro-gram-ography).
And I will have fun unveiling culture to reveal the simplicity of being.
Get a copy of my e-Book at
www. starconsciousness.com
Gain greater clarity to the energetic power of words that inspires confidence, consistency and congruency in taking back and living in your STARPower of Source e-Innergy Identity Empowerment.
The STARs of the HEAVENs are SOULs born on earth on a Forgotten Quest of Remembrance.
Join me fellow LIGHTTOFORMIANs in taking back our STARPower!