🍄 an educator: taught in public school, parenting education, teach community member mastering in Chinese floral skills
🍄 a promoter of Chinese cultural and art: designed the curriculum for the 4th graders on “Hands on culture be a scholar for the day.“
🍄 a Volunteer in broad areas: PTA, Boy scout, San Marino School Board president, Chinese American Education Association President, set up piano competitions for young musicians for 10 years .....
🍄 publication: author of the “The Roads to Success for the New Chinese-American Generation” in (Chinese) 華裔子女成功之路, and Co-Author of “Practice Happiness – 7 Habits of Joyful Living” in bilingual (English/Chinese) 練習快樂達到幸福
🥀YouTube: A flower’s Tale of A Thousand Years/chinesefloralarts
亲子教育“聊天室” 孩子的过大压力从何而来?
10/13 7:30 pm