De Xangô e Yemanjá, Preto, Nordestino de Salvador da Bahia, Gay🌈, Produtor de eventos.
A minha paixão pela 🎶, me levou a DJing!
Não toco nenhum instrumento, então aprender a ser DJ é uma boa maneira de expressar o meu amor pela música.
Voto no PT e ❤️ o LULA, e nem por isso fiz voto de pobreza!
Evoluam, plz!
Son of Xangô and Yemanjá, Black, From the Northeast of Salvador-Ba, Gay🌈, Event producer.
My passion for 🎶, led me to DJing!
I don't play any instruments, so learning to be a DJ is a good way to express my love for music.
I vote for PT and ❤️ the LULA, even so I didn't take a vow of poverty!
Grow up, plz!
Invited by: Dil Ribeiro
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
September 15, 2023 | 53 | 0 | 0.0% |
April 28, 2022 | 53 | +1 | +2.0% |
March 20, 2022 | 52 | +1 | +2.0% |
December 15, 2021 | 51 | +2 | +4.1% |
September 30, 2021 | 49 | +1 | +2.1% |
August 12, 2021 | 48 | +12 | +33.4% |