Hi! My name is Celestine.
I'm here to connect to people. I like chatting and also deep and meaningful conversations. 🌻
I'm a health and wellness coach, especializing in getting you back to feeling normal again after experiencing chronic tiredness.
My interests are volunteer work, functional and integrative medicine, meditation and going to the beach. 🌄. I'm always ready to reflect on a new idea or someone's story.
In my previous career I taught face-to-face classes, courses and workshops on natural medicine, including aromatherapy, yoga, qi gong, Jin Shin Jyutsu but mainly on nutrition.
I like the use of herbs and saunas for our wellness journey.
🌟 My email is: [email protected]. 🌟
I consider myself an old-fashioned naturopath because often the best remedy was that chicken noodle soup from our grandma who would tuck us in with a warm blanket when we got a cold. ❤️