Electrical Design Engineer | Certified Life and Relationship Coach | Enneagram practitioner and instructor
- Engineer 👷🏻♂️
Electrical design and technical office chief engineer worked in 3 of the top ranked companies in the construction field in MENA.
- Certified Life Coach 👨🏻💼🕵️🏻♂️
Working as a freelancing coach (Relationship and Life Coach), since late 2014
Certified as ACC (Accredited Certified Coach) from the ICF (Internantioal Coach Federation)
Also, from the LCE (Leadership Coaching Excellence) and TREE Human Resources
Worked as a part-timer with TREE Human Resources for 3 years
- Enneagram practitioner and instructor 👨🏻🏫
Certified by ATA (Awareness To Action) lead by Mario Sikora and Maria-Jose; ex-presidens of the IEA (Internantioal Enneagram Association)
Leading a workshop called "رحلة جواك و جواهم" aiming to raise the personal awareness and and improve relationships through Enneagram
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Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
November 18, 2023 | 183 | +149 | +438.3% |