🧠Click & Unlock Your Potentials🧠
Hey! I’m Augustine and I spend all my time to learn from YOU everyday! 😉
👇🏼👇🏼Is that YOU?👇🏼👇🏼
🤯If you’re aware of changing your subconscious programming can actually transform your life experiences…
👶🏼If you’re aware of your early year mini traumas are holding you back in life now BUT not sure how to clear them…
🤓If you’re someone who read all the self help books and personal development videos on YouTube BUT still not seeing a shift in life…
🧑🏻⚕️I invite you to follow my light-hearted but professional shares on topics about the subconscious mind and human relationships.
❤️Transforming your Self-Sabotage to your greatest cheerleader!
🧡Level Up your emotional intelligence and have the BEST relationships!
💛Reduce dramas and triggers in life so you can live a life with grace and ease!
💚Fully understand the origin of your negative thoughts, challenging feelings, and compulsive behaviours so you can UNDO them!
💙Remove your ancestral and cultural conditionings so you can shine your true light and be your authentic self!
💜Delete any internal fears, pains, guilt, blame, shame, and lack mentality so your life can be filled with joy and contentment!
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Follow me on clubhouse…!
🥰ASCEND & EVOLVE Together!😉
🔵 Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT)
🟢 Clinical Hypnotherapist