Ephesians5:11&Exposé-em! on Clubhouse

Ephesians5:11&Exposé-em! Clubhouse
41 Members
Updated: Apr 28, 2024


Have no fellowship with the works of darkness and iniquities but rather expose them indeed ...
These satanist & spirit of Antichrist since the days of HaMashiach unto today they expose themselves and even prior to HaMashiachs birth the spirit of Anti YHWH was prevalent and still exists ... Through subliminal messages , programming , tell lie visions , symbology , & more ...

Our intent is to expose the bastards🥰😌👑🙏🗣️🧐👂😁😇💯👀🦠🎉😎so if you down with that then join!

We will be predominantly Christian believers of THE MOST HIGH & CHRIST THE SON OF THE ETERNAL YAH ALUHYIM/ELOHIM. . . But if you're an OT only or Torah or Tanahk only it "non believer" and wanna expose the elite , feel free to join also , just remember respect us as admins and be cordial not dismissive or facetious or condescending towards any believer in Christ and you'll get along just fine & be @ peace ... We're here to expose evil...

Government(controllers of minds)
Elite (false light , false peace ECT)
The main admin maker Ariq (me) loves to watch movies for subliminals and I see subliminal messages in many things from flags(state & nations) and etymology & more ...

Like for example why is the trackfone logo the same as the space jam1&2 logos & strikingly similar to the European patent office logo ... The concentric circles & semi circles bahaha ... They love Atlanta & Atlantis because they love demons fallen angels that they call annunaki ECT but we know wassup ....

Azimuthal equidistance like the square compass maps the military use is ironic cause they don't teach us about Squaring the Circle bahaha ...
You graduated and wore a square hat on your round head 🗣️ 🙏 🔥 🙌 and thought it was commendable for you were at least slightly indoctrinated by institutions endorsed by slave garnishment and probably paid for it...

Degrees mean nothing unless you know geo-metry , now measure earth

Who laid the line upon it???
Or laid the cornerstone thereof????
Who can bring forth the mazzaroth???

Don't conform any longer to da world

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