Hello! Everyone..This is a club for all indian mates and all friends of Indians
If you'd like to start a room about a specific topic, please message one of the first 3 members of the list.
If you find that anyone is making a room toxic, please report and block these individuals to prevent future occurrences. As a community, we all need to help regulate our rooms to ensure quality content.
If you have any questions or concerns, please message one of the first 3 members of the list.
Please tell us about yourself in your bio and add a profile picture so we can get to know you better. - these are some clubs house ettiequte rules
Don't abuse or make ugly comments.
Do not make this a place where you came only to argue or debate. Simple if you don't like the topic or anything just leave the room quietly that's it. Don't hurt or get hurt :)
Let them talk if they wanna talk :)
If someone is in the audience let them listen if they wanna join let them just raise their hand and no own groupism and being bullies here please, you know what I mean :)
Maintain healthy conversations
Please don't talk anything which would make others uncomfortable, not everyone would be willing to listen to whatever you say and if anyone gets offended please be a good person and say sorry :)