Minds Like Mine LLC on Clubhouse

Minds Like Mine LLC Clubhouse
55 Members
Updated: May 25, 2024


I thought about it.

And I wondered,

What if I could find all the people like me in the world and make a community?

I wanted to meet and go on a journey with people like me.

Not because of, My race or my gender or my age. Or my political or religious views.

But based on how they think,

How they conceive ideas then produce them into the world for the benefit of all.

How they code.

How they stay positive, how they stay fit.

How they eat healthy... but not always. How they maintain good family relations. How they treat all people with decency and respect.

How they focus on benefiting the world.

The way they try to make a change for all of humanity.

How they brainstorm.

How they can't stop forming businesses as they are called eccentric, "jack or jill of all trades" but they're really serial entrepreneurs but no one knew that.

How they design, how they write. How they are fascinated with new tech but still enjoy taking in a chapter or two consistently of a good book. How they enjoy nature and relax in the sun. Enjoy the rain, or can find the perfect serenity and order in what others see as an actual absolute hurricane outdoors as it is just nature. Or curl up by a fireplace in winter with a cup of hot cocoa. How they can take a stroll on a cool day in autumn with a warm sweater. I went off on a deep dive there. Lol

How they work hard at learning how to learn better.

How they make money online but not money Centric, people-centric.

Because the family Centric. And goal oriented.

Because they're calm. And joyful and uplifting and strong, like a warrior. A champion.

A gamer. A techie. A student. A teacher.

A loving parent. A considerate daughter or a considerate, son. A forward thinker. Passionate with hard work their veins but they also work smart.




Environmentally conscious.




Tree Huggers like me.

We learn from each other on the new Platform. We teach, we study, we acknowledge genius, we promote health, benefit from new information, we write, we read, we publish, we design, we code, we game, we give back, we earn money, we teach courses, we replant fruit trees and other trees that are indigenous within 36 different countries and growing, with a push of a button.

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