Codenames Addicts on Clubhouse

Codenames Addicts Clubhouse
61 Members
Updated: Jul 8, 2024


Codenames is a game for two teams. There is a grid of 25 words. Some of them are secretly assigned to the Red Team, some to the Blue Team. One player from each team is the Spymaster, and only Spymasters see which words belong to which team. Spymasters take turns giving clues to their teammates (Operatives), trying to lead them to guessing their team's words. The team that guesses all their words first wins the game.

1) Must be one word. It can be more words if it refers to one thing. Use the dictionary rule - if you can find it in the dictionary, it counts (e.g., "ice cream" is okay, "furry animal" is not).
2) Proper nouns are okay (e.g., "New York"). More than two words is okay if it refers to one person, place, or thing (e.g., Alexander Graham Bell).
3) Don't use any form of a word currently on the grid as a clue. Don't type in SUGAR as a clue for SUGAR and CHOCOLATE, and don't try to get around this rule using clues like SUGARY or SUGARCANE.
4) Clues must be in English. Foreign words that have been adopted by the English language are okay (e.g., "ballet")
5) A hyphenated word is okay, but avoid other forms of punctuation
6) Abstract nouns (e.g., song titles, movie titles, etc.) are allowed but limited to one word only.

1) Vote on cards that you would like your team to guess
2) Discuss among your teammates which clues are most likely
3) The team should come to a concensus before locking in any answers

1) The number in your clue is supposed to tell your team how many words relate to that clue. They can always guess one extra word, usually an unguessed word from previous turns.
2) If you need your Operatives to guess more extra words, you can manually select Infinity ∞. They can guess any number of words then (but they don't know how many words your current clue relates to).
3) You can also use Zero 0 for your clue. It also allows operatives to guess as many words as they want. The difference is that you are telling your teammates that your clue relates to no words of your color.

1) Spymasters should stay muted for the duration of their turn as Spymaster.
2) Limit any talking during the other team's turn to allow the Spymaster to concentrate and the other team to discuss.
3) Operatives should not be giving clues to their Spymaster or try to indicate how they should play their next turn.
4) Operatives should refrain from any discussion prior to receiving a clue from the Spymaster.

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