The club not only attempts to provide a bilingual platform to discuss interesting news around the world in both English and Mandarin but also to fight off disinformation, conspiracy theories, rumors and misinformation without reliable sources. "自由書報亭"旨在搭建一個在Clubhouse中英雙語聊新聞的環境,同時摒棄假新聞和毫無根據的陰謀論和網路流言。
Credibility|可靠的資訊來源: All news and information presented in this club should be from credible sources。所有在"書報亭"club發表/介紹的新聞必須來自可靠的媒體來源。
Boundaries To Freedom Of Speech | 言論自由的邊界: Freedom of speech may not be absolute. Racism, homophobic, xenophobic, violence promotion, and all other forms of hate speech are NOT tolerated in the club. 言論自由有其限界。一切種族主義、排外、恐同和各類仇恨言論在這裡不受歡迎。