Riffhouse on Clubhouse

Riffhouse Clubhouse
2 Members
Updated: Apr 21, 2024


This club is for the people who wants to play riffs with fellow musicians.
We welcome every musician i.e. from absolute beginner to expert; specifically beginners. We all know the challenges of learning music but with fellow musicians it is way easier and fun.
Lets rock fellas.🤟🤟
Only one member is allowed to play at one time.: If any member is playing the people with speaker authorization are not allowed to make any kind of disturbance, because no one like the krrr... sound when playing/listening.
Appreciate everyone in the room.: We should appreciate every member and encourage them to keep playing. As we all know music is tough it is our responsibility to encourage fellow musicians.


Only one member is allowed to play at one time.

If any member is playing the people with speaker authorization are not allowed to make any kind of disturbance, because no one like the krrr... sound when playing/listening.

Appreciate everyone in the room.

We should appreciate every member and encourage them to keep playing. As we all know music is tough it is our responsibility to encourage fellow musicians.

Some Club Members

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