Law Gardener on Clubhouse

Law Gardener Clubhouse
13 Members
Updated: Mar 22, 2024


Law Gardener goal is to "Plant the Seeds of Law"
A Platform to Discuss 🗣️ about
⚖️Current Affairs ,
⚖️Socio-Legal Topics,
⚖️Exchange Knowledge ,
⚖️ build the connections
It is not limited to just law fraternity, all the people can join & take part in the rooms to spread & grab the Knowledge 📚🖊
Everything which can be useful as we don't want to limit it,
Objectives of the Club will Amended from time to time

📱Do follow us on our Instagram @law_gardener
📱Do subscribe our YouTube channel to gain the knowledge, as we keep on organizing Webinars, Legal Current affairs, Case laws etc
📱YouTube Channel Name :- law Gardener

1. Please do respect the Speakers & Moderators: Try to Avoide use of Un-Parliamentary Words, during the discussion ,
2.The views discussed here are only for Academic Purpose: Any Person acting upon the opinion & discussion without giving due Consideration will be solely and absolutely liable for the same


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