RPA Tools presents “NoCodeAutomation” — a community of Makers, No-code enthusiasts, and anyone who works in an inefficient, sometimes frustrating environment looking for a ‘better way’ of doing things. Infuse more creativity into the workforce! 😉
Rule #1: Be kind. Respect everyone in the community (“club”), which means, being nice, understanding, helpful, and accepting towards other people’s differences.
Rule #2: Have an ‘open mind’, meaning, don’t immediately shut down new, or different, concepts and always come with a “learn-first” mentality instead of detracting value from everyone else in the community!
Rule #3: #BuildInPublic. The best way to give back and provide value is to share your no-code experiences with everyone (in this club and beyond!). Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or share them — they help! 😉