AFRICAN FILMMAKING HUB Is a professional networking platform where film Writers, Producers, Directors, actors and actresses or any cultural and art leaders can meet to converse about African cinema and what we can do to take our products and content creations into markets like America or Hollywood and elsewhere. AFRICAN FILMMAKING HUB. Est une plateforme de rencontre entre scénaristes, producteurs, Directeurs, acteurs, actrices et toute personne et leaders œuvrant dans le milieu du cinéma Africain de se retrouver pour échanger, apprendre, et s’informer d’avantages sur le comment comprendre et mieux connaître le marché cinématographique Américain ou hollywoodien et d’ailleurs Ousmane Ndoye Founder/ Fondateur ASKKANWii PROD Denver, Colorado USA
WE GOT TO RESPECT ONE ANOTHER: We are here to share, show, and help one another to be better film writers, better Producers, better directors, better actors and actresses
DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING PERSONAL: We are here to listen, to learn and support one another; nothing here is personal. None of us is better than the other person; let’s keep it real, humble and open minded
WORKING TOGETHER WORKS: Team work spirit is what makes the dream works… And having the heart to serve other people and we all become better in our personal CRAFT as professional film writers, producers, directors, actor’s