The Mind Lab - ”Healthy Mind Healthy Life”! 🇸🇪Klubben för alla intresserade av Mindfulness, Meditation, Psykisk Hälsa, Tankens Kraft, Personlig utveckling, Självledarskap & Mental träning! Rum med guidade meditationer och Mindfulness träning varje vecka på 🇸🇪 eller 🇬🇧. 🇬🇧. This is a club for anyone interested in Mindfulness, Meditation, Mental Health Awareness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Self-Leadership, The power of the mind & Mental Training! We have rooms every week with shorter guided meditations and Mindfulness practice in 🇬🇧 or 🇸🇪
Rule #1
To make a safe space, all members need a profile picture of themselves and a description in their bio.
Rule #2
In this club we treat and talk to eachother with respect.No discrimination, sexualization, harrasment, rasism or any other bad behaviour Will be tolerated. It Will be reported to Clubhouse.