The Mind Lab on Clubhouse

The Mind Lab Clubhouse
13 Members
Updated: May 5, 2024


The Mind Lab - ”Healthy Mind Healthy Life”! 🇸🇪Klubben för alla intresserade av Mindfulness, Meditation, Psykisk Hälsa, Tankens Kraft, Personlig utveckling, Självledarskap & Mental träning! Rum med guidade meditationer och Mindfulness träning varje vecka på 🇸🇪 eller 🇬🇧. 🇬🇧. This is a club for anyone interested in Mindfulness, Meditation, Mental Health Awareness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Self-Leadership, The power of the mind & Mental Training! We have rooms every week with shorter guided meditations and Mindfulness practice in 🇬🇧 or 🇸🇪


Rule #1

To make a safe space, all members need a profile picture of themselves and a description in their bio.

Rule #2

In this club we treat and talk to eachother with respect.No discrimination, sexualization, harrasment, rasism or any other bad behaviour Will be tolerated. It Will be reported to Clubhouse.

Some Club Members

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