India and Mental Health on Clubhouse

India and Mental Health Clubhouse
25 Members
Updated: May 22, 2024


Open space to discuss all things mental health! 💖🦋 We also bring in Psychologists and Mental Health advocates to educate!
Founded in Hyderabad by Blue Raccoon Workshops

🔴Instagram: "Blue Raccoon Workshops" 🦝

We organise mental health workshops and online sessions around the country.

Only gender neutral terms allowed for addressing: We don't say "guys" "bro" "dude" etc unless referring to a group of males. We use "everyone" "homies" "them" "fam" etc instead.
Listen for some time before raising hand: We believe it's important to listen for a while before joining the conversation. Once you've been listening for a few minutes, we'll be happy to add you to the speakers.
Hold safe spaces : We don't encourage anyone to brush away others' needs and feelings. Please lend a ear and have an open mind when listening.


Only gender neutral terms allowed for addressing

We don't say "guys" "bro" "dude" etc unless referring to a group of males. We use "everyone" "homies" "them" "fam" etc instead.

Listen for some time before raising hand

We believe it's important to listen for a while before joining the conversation. Once you've been listening for a few minutes, we'll be happy to add you to the speakers.

Hold safe spaces

We don't encourage anyone to brush away others' needs and feelings. Please lend a ear and have an open mind when listening.

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
May 22, 2024 25 0 0.0%
March 03, 2024 25 0 0.0%
January 13, 2024 25 0 0.0%
November 29, 2023 25 0 0.0%
October 25, 2023 25 0 0.0%
September 25, 2023 25 0 0.0%
August 27, 2023 25 0 0.0%


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