Need2Know on Clubhouse

Need2Know Clubhouse
234 Members
Updated: May 21, 2024


This is a clubhouse room which specializes on following activities:
1. Relationship coaching
2. Life events
3. Business developments
4. Migration pathway
a. Through schools- fully funded scholarships, tuition waivers (25, 50, 75, 100 for Uk and EU countries only)
b. Skilled pathway (Jobs; 🇬🇧 only)
We play hard and also work hard….
Uk job shortage listing:
Respect:: Learning is a continuous phase and in here, it is important we respect each other’s view and opinion, and making sure whatever we are doing here is impactful and educating.
Sharing:: We appreciate sharing more information on whatever we do here if you have any updates and and make sure you are asking the right questions.
Love and correction:: Let relate with each other with love and interact with pure intentions, so we do not need to fight or argue, and make corrections with love. Thank you.

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