Freedman Daily Update on Clubhouse

Freedman Daily Update Clubhouse
101 Members
Updated: Apr 18, 2024


In this space we update
Freedmen on the going-ons within our
community. We take issues concerning our community and create action-items around those issues.
Not A Banter Room.: This space is specifically for updating Freedmen on the going-ons within our community. We take issues concerning our community and create action-items around those issues.
This is An Action Environment.: Please be prepared to take notes, make, calls, provide resources, blast social media, innovate, communicate, investigate, and yes - from-time-to-time, we donate to assist others (what and when we can)
Respect ✊🏾 Privacy: Please respect others right to contained-privacy. What is shared in the room stays in the room unless consent is expressed otherwise. Violators of this rule will be excommunicated from the room.

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