Remnants City on Clubhouse

Remnants City Clubhouse
15 Members
Updated: May 24, 2024


Remnants House- Calling on those who wants to remain faithful to God, and are ready to return to Him by turning the hearts to God. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.Clean your hands,…James4:8.” Then I Myself will gather the remnants of My flocks from all the lands..Jer23:2-3. We are called to connect people with the love of God, and build communities.Our focus is to live intentionally, encourage each other and grow in the word and by the power of Holy Spirit.
“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke1:37 KJV

#1:Our room/house is a Safe place! Everyone is welcome. Come as you are!Be courteous and respectful of others.Admins/room leaders will present the topic first, then ope up for discussion, contributions and Q&A.
#2:lf hand raise is open, please raise your hand to contribute, and you will be invited to the stage.Mute your mic while on the stage if you’re not speaking, and wait for your turn to be called to speak.
#3:This is a community to learn, grow and draw near to God, not an advertisement forum. Do NOT post any advertisement on any product or service into the chat room!This is strictly prohibited on this platform. Violators will be kicked out and reported!

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