The Man Cave-Men of Honor on Clubhouse

The Man Cave-Men of Honor Clubhouse
54 Members
Updated: May 5, 2024


In a time when society is suffering from what many call the effects of a "fatherless generation" we need a place where MEN can receive guidance & Godly wisdom so we can take our rightful place as husbands, fathers, and leaders our community. So consider this a virtual "MAN CAVE" ( no women allowed ) where we can freely discuss MEN's issues from a Biblical perspective b/c ...Iron sharpens Iron.

This Club is a companion to the PRIVATE (MEN only) facebook group groups/MyChurchManCave where we broadcast live every 2nd & 4th Thursday at 7:30 PM & it was meant to give you the opportunity to join the discussion.

So feel free to invite all your brothers & if you have any questions or issues that you may be struggling with simply raise your hand so that either myself or one of my guests can bring you in & hopefully provide you with the Godly counsel & tools to help you reach your potential.

B/c if we as MEN don't get better the world won't.

But remember to keep your interactions respectful. 

This is about growth... not debate...

& let's get better together!

Pastor Tuck
No Women Allowed: This is Christian based MEN's group established to helped MEN reach their full potential & become the best MEN God intended them to be.
What Happens In The Cave Stays In The Cave: Being part of this group requires mutual trust. AUTHENTIC, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What's shared in the group should stay in the group.
Each One Reach One: If you have been blessed by being a part of this group, then invite your friends, fathers, brothers, uncles, sons, & co-workers to join! As long as they are MEN! Because "Iron Sharpens Iron!"

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