Girl Geek Dinners on Clubhouse

Girl Geek Dinners Clubhouse
10 Members
Updated: Apr 19, 2024


This is a community area designed to support women in the tech sector. Men are welcome as supporters and advocates.

We will have regular virtual Girl Geek Dinner events on various topics with some amazing female technologists.

Be the role models you can't see!
Men are welcome to join our discussions: We ask that everyone is treated fairly and with kindness and respect. We value the input of men and their ability to advocate, promote and support the growth of women within the tech industry.
Invite others: Girl Geek Dinners has always grown through recommendations from inviting friends, colleagues or family to join, to speaking or sponsoring our events. Speakers message us via
Inspire and encourage: We are an inspiration network, our primary focus is to inspire and encourage one another. As such we encourage anyone participating in our events to do the same. Be the role models you can't see!

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