CRESCO on Clubhouse

CRESCO Clubhouse
13 Members
Updated: Jul 13, 2024


Welcome to the club where Leaders meet! 👥🚀

With Latin origins, the basic meaning of the word Cresco is “I grow” but other options cover the ideas of increasing, strengthening, prospering.  

(More examples and meanings are: “I increase, I rise, I thrive. I come to be. I become visible, spring from, arise, come forth.”)

Through sharing ideas💡
Having the difficult conversations🗣
Challenging societal norms🆒️
And rising above mediocrity🔺️
We strive to be the most honored, respected and admired people in society!🏅🏆
The best of the best!📈

If growth is what you're looking for then you're at the right place! ✅

Come meet with like-minded people who believe they can change the world because as Steve Jobs once said, "the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."

If not now, then when? If not us, then who? 📢

Welcome to CRESCO!🎓
Where current and future Leaders meet.🤝

Mute your mic when you're not speaking! : It gives anyone else who wants to speak the opportunity to speak without any backgroup noise and interruptions coming from elsewhere.
Now that you're here, Invite someone else! : We would like to see the CRESCO community grow. It's up to all of us to get more future leaders together because alone we can make a difference but only together can we change the world!
Respect other members' views and opinions!: If and when the room is open for discussions, we urge you to have an open mind at all times. Even the wisest of us all, Socrates, once said that, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”


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