Return 2 Culture 4 Restorative Healing on Clubhouse

Return 2 Culture 4 Restorative Healing Clubhouse
17 Members
Updated: May 31, 2024


Alaafia! This group is not about African Spirituality, I don’t know enough to start a room on that topic (check out Ase Ire). This group is about daily transformation that takes place & how we who are on our journey can discuss how we are incorporating our culture & customs into our lives. Topics: Relationships/Communication/Healing, Building Eden Economical Blueprint, and more! Join me Sunday evenings 9:00pm est Deeper dive into what this room is about Restorative Healing for those who have begun the internal journey back to our true culture & customs. Why we are better drawing from our ancestors then trying to be equal? In a government designed for the majority of AA to be underdeveloped due to societal racism that is openly embedded within its foundation. I have found that in order for our people to reach our full potential we must first heal, something we have never been afforded the ability to do in this country. True healing is going to take work. The truth of the matter is not many will do the work. Confessing that AA have been programmed from birth to accept a knock off culture means everything must be examined and continually having to reprogram how one looks at the world, that means remembering the truth about our ancestors (pre-slavery) to them looking back & reimplementing any form of our true culture somehow sends them to a devils hell. However, this group is for those who overstand with journeying back across the ocean gives us freedom of choice for the very first time in our lives, we get to choose our culture. It’s with this new understanding, knowledge and identity we are drawn inward and, we strive to pull out good character that applies to everything we do, I decided to push pass my fear & start this group because I understand you may feel alone because your the only person in your family or circle who is not fully versed in your culture, but you have accepted your true identity, and that acceptance has transitioned us towards an agenda of how to see oneself and one’s fellow brother and sister which is beautiful, until the energy of your environment becomes a hindrance to your growth, So, this page is for us! We know true healing is powerful and it builds upon customs that create character and unity, so let’s unite and meet here on Sundays and talk real talk, This is your Tribe, let’s build relationship that leads to collaboration that leads to restoration of Eden!

Last 30 Records

Day Members Gain % Gain
May 31, 2024 17 +2 +13.4%
March 07, 2024 15 0 0.0%
January 17, 2024 15 +1 +7.2%
December 03, 2023 14 0 0.0%
October 28, 2023 14 +1 +7.7%
September 28, 2023 13 0 0.0%
August 29, 2023 13 0 0.0%
July 27, 2023 13 0 0.0%
July 01, 2023 13 0 0.0%
April 05, 2023 13 +1 +8.4%


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