Yehoyaqim on Clubhouse

Updated: Aug 9, 2023
Yehoyaqim Clubhouse
388 Following
@yehoyaqim Username


Helping Entrepreneurs Quantum Leap Sales

{ Elite Quantum Shifters Hall Of Fame }

Olle Quantum Shifted and became a crypto-millionaire overnight, during the next few days he manifested a luxury apartment on “Vibe Street” in his dream city Oslo

Chris recently hit 20K in his sales gig , manifested a 10K bonus cheque out of nowhere, and signed a 18K/m deal after Quantum Shifting

Sean manifested a deal with a Fortune 500 Company out of nowhere a few days after Quantum Shifting

Laly hit her monthly sales target in a week. The bank also suddenly removed 100K in debt from her bank account, for no reason all after Quantum Shifting

Anisa closed a Netflix deal, doubled her sales, and moved into her dream house in the first 90 days after Quantum shifting. She then went on to sign a 50K client a few months after applying the Quantum Shifting Process again.

Jeannine Quantum Shifted and got offered 800K in consulting and recruitment deals out of nowhere without implementing any new sales strategy.

Rachel 5Xed her sales in a week in the Kangen Water Business after Quantum Shifting

Kisha’s Shopify store sales tripled in the first 14 days of practicing Quantum Shifting without any new advertising after Shifting her Frequency

Amelia went from $111 hourly rates in her healing business to suddenly manifesting a 15K client within 24 Hours of Quantum Shifting

Ash doubled her salary in 2 Weeks after Quantum Shifting into a Higher Income Frequency

Nathan manifested a 6.5 Million dollar deal in his first week of learning how to Quantum Shift frequency


~ The ability to shift consciousness, frequency, and energy to any point within the quantum field fluidly at will.

~ An embodied experiential learning experience of all the subtle nuances in frequency, vibration, and consciousness that allow You to repeatedly manifest & quantum leap at will in a way that is super fast and effortless because it is accessing the Infinity that's already in You...

~ All the ways of applying frequency & vibration in the way that leads to effortless and repeatable “BIG” quantum leaps

~ The HOW of rapid quantum Manifestation, consciousness awakenings, and higher levels of Divine Alignment…

To Become A Quantum Shifter and find out more details...

👉🏼 Dm me the word “Quantum” and I’ll send you more details...

👉🏼 Dm me the word “800K” get access to the 800K Frequency Training...

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