🇸🇦المملكة العربية السعودية 🇸🇦
أستاذ إدارة وتقنيات علوم الدواجن المساعد بجامعة الملك سعود
مهتم بالأمن الغذائي الوطني
التجارة، والعلاقات هي الفتيل للتطور والنمو
🇸🇦Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
Assistant professor in Poultry management and technology at King Saud University
Interested in National Food Security
Business and Public Relations are the fuse of the development and growth
Invited by: Fawaz Alkhudhayr
if the data has not been changed, no new rows will appear.
Day | Followers | Gain | % Gain |
October 04, 2023 | 177 | 0 | 0.0% |
July 15, 2022 | 177 | +1 | +0.6% |
June 08, 2022 | 176 | -1 | -0.6% |
May 01, 2022 | 177 | +1 | +0.6% |
March 24, 2022 | 176 | +5 | +3.0% |
October 03, 2021 | 171 | -2 | -1.2% |
August 18, 2021 | 173 | +6 | +3.6% |