Suresh Gobi on Clubhouse

Updated: Aug 30, 2023
Suresh Gobi Clubhouse
10 Following
@vsgtalks Username


lam not smart😎🤡 | just wear glasses😷 am working hard💪 to bring out the best version of myself.... Tell me not to do something, | will do it twice and take pictures 😉😉 Every day🌇 | create a life | lovel take a lot of selfies for my future🤞 biographer I strive to impress myselfNext time you think of beauty, Remember me!... ___🖤🤍___ Happiness looks beautiful on mel was born not to be hugged by the calm wind, but to be admired by the storms | am the spot.!l love me as the flower loves the rain That smile on my face worths a milliondollarWake up and makeup It's not my 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚎 😎😎, it's my Style What she tackles, she conquers lam a perfect combination of my flaws tam wild, beautiful and 🆓 just like the sea Really friendly, and we know how to handle stuff for sure 🕶___ It is no mistake to have friendship.You don't even have to remind them | have you...... 😇😇 My favorite thing to do is to make memories with you☺☺Much like ✈️️travel& donuts, we go together_____l(🤠) l____ Yeah...!We know how sick we are together__💥🔥 No, we just don't know.We finish the sandwiches together Every girl has to have the best boyfriend.Don’t wear a brand Be a brand #VSG dress like you own a bank not like you need a loan from It🤑🤑A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t Eagles don't take flight lessons from chickens😈😈 Dress like you've made something of yourself, even if you haven't. Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself. ___#vsgwords My goals don’t stop for anyone👻👻 Elther you support me, or | make it alone. Either way, it’s going to happen. The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room#vsg'shostel🤗🤘🍷🍾🍺🎉🎆🎇 Don’t fear failure. Fears being in the exact same place next year as you are, today. The more | find myself, the more people | lose. Own what’s yours, or else others will try toto✨✨✨ Do more things that make you forget to check your phone📱📲🤫🤫 Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness🤕🤒🤧 Aspire to inspire before you expire😉 Be happy😁😁 It drives people crazy. If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun🏍🏍🏍.... Bromm.. Bromm.. 🤩🤩

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