DR. INECIR MATTHIS is the Executive Pastor at City of the Lord Zion Church specializing in the areas of Christian Counseling and the Online Church Services. Certified in Mental Health she is also a recognized trailblazing National and International Keynote and Motivational Speaker, Published Author, and Prophetic Teacher. In 2004, Dr. Matthis founded Passion Ministries, Inc. which supported women from all walks of life with a passion to become empowered to do more. Since that time, she has become the CEO and President of Visioneer Mentoring and Defining Moments, providing Counseling, Coaching, Mentoring and Motivational Services to individuals, families, groups, non-profits, schools and corporations. She is also the CEO and President of Me2UMentoring, providing services for at risk tweens, teens and young adults for local churches, ministries and communities. Utilizing her gifting’s and specialized skills, Dr. Matthis also provides Life, Relationship and Marketplace Ministry Coaching as well as Mentoring and Life Skills services in areas pertaining to Processing to Purpose, Healthy Relationship Dynamics, Personal Assessment and Empowerment, and Conversation- which provides individuals the opportunity to openly discuss hot topics that are relevant and applicable to daily living.
Dr. Matthis has been a guest speaker on Pastor Lita Reeves Victorious Living Television Program, the NOW, Impact and Word Television Network Programs as well as a segment on the Steven Parker Live Show. She also shares practical insight, wisdom and empowering spiritual tools for daily living and pursuits for purpose during her weekly Defining Moments Podcast on Anchor.
Dr. Matthis is a published author, releasing her latest book project entitled “Defining Moments” which can be purchased directly through Dr. Matthis or online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble Books.
She holds a Bachelor’s in Christian Education, Master’s degree in Christian Counseling and a Doctorate in Theological Studies from Sacramento Theological Seminary and Bible College, graduating Summa Cum Laude.
She is a Board Certified Christian Counselor
Her Social Media Contact Information is:
DrInecirMatthis – Facebook
Visioneermentor – Instagram
@visioneermentor – Twitter
Dr. Inecir Matthis - LinkedIn
YouTube: Dr Inecir Matthis
Website: www.visioneermentoring.org