Sam Smart on Clubhouse

Updated: Jul 24, 2023
Sam Smart Clubhouse
33 Following
Mar 1, 2021 Registered
@uglyblender Username


Blog + Opinion editor at The Ubyssey

What 😦 the πŸ‘ fuck πŸ† did πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ˆ just πŸ‘ fucking πŸ‘‰ say about πŸ’¦ me, 😭 you πŸ‘ˆ little πŸ‘Œ bitch? 😱 I’ll πŸ‘ have πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ˆ know πŸ’­ I graduated πŸŽ“ top πŸ” of πŸ’¦ my πŸ‘¨ class 🏫 in πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ Navy 🌊 Seals, 🐳 and πŸ‘ I’ve πŸ‘ been πŸ‘ involved πŸ‘ in πŸ‘ numerous πŸ”’ secret πŸ™Š raids πŸ’₯ on πŸ”› Al-Quaeda, πŸ‘³ and πŸ‘ I have πŸ‘ over πŸ‘ 300 πŸ’¦ confirmed πŸ’¦ kills. πŸ”ͺ I am πŸ‘ trained πŸ‘ in πŸ‘ gorilla πŸ™ˆ warfare πŸ”« and πŸ‘ I’m πŸ‘Œ the πŸ‘ top πŸ” sniper πŸ”­ in πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ entire πŸ‘ US πŸ‘¨ armed πŸ’ͺ forces. πŸ‘ You πŸ‘ˆ are πŸ”’ nothing 🚫 to πŸ’¦ me 😭 but πŸ‘ just πŸ‘ another πŸ”„ target. 🎯 I will πŸ‘ wipe πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ˆ the πŸ‘ fuck πŸ† out πŸ’― with πŸ‘ precision πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ likes πŸ‘ of πŸ’¦ which πŸ‘ has πŸ‘ never πŸ™… been πŸ‘ seen πŸ‘€ before πŸ˜‚ on πŸ”› this πŸ‘ˆ Earth, 🌎 mark πŸ‘€ my πŸ‘¨ fucking πŸ‘‰ words. πŸ““ You πŸ‘ˆ think πŸ’­ you πŸ‘ˆ can πŸ’¦ get πŸ”Ÿ away 😐 with πŸ‘ saying πŸ—£ that 😐 shit πŸ’© to πŸ’¦ me 😭 over πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ Internet? πŸ’» Think πŸ’­ again, 😬 fucker. πŸ‘‰ As πŸ‘ we πŸ‘₯ speak πŸ™Š I πŸ‘ am πŸ‘ contacting πŸ“ž my πŸ‘¨ secret πŸ™Š network πŸ‘ of πŸ’¦ spies πŸ‘ across πŸ‘ the πŸ‘ USA πŸ‘ and πŸ‘ your πŸ‘ IP πŸ‘ is πŸ’¦ being πŸ˜‘ traced πŸ”¬ right πŸ‘Œ now πŸ‘‹ so πŸ’― you πŸ‘ˆ better πŸ‘ prepare πŸ‘ for πŸ† the πŸ‘ storm, πŸ‘ maggot. πŸ› The πŸ‘ storm πŸ‘ that 😐 wipes πŸ™Œ out πŸ’― the πŸ‘ pathetic πŸ˜‚ little πŸ‘Œ thing πŸ“΄ you πŸ‘ˆ call πŸ“² your πŸ‘ life. πŸ‘€ You’re πŸ‘ fucking πŸ‘‰ dead, πŸ’€ kid. πŸ‘¦ I πŸ‘ can πŸ’¦ be 🐝 anywhere, 🌎 anytime, πŸ•‘ and πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ can πŸ’¦ kill 🚬 you πŸ‘ˆ in πŸ‘ over πŸ‘ seven πŸ”₯ hundred πŸ’― ways, πŸ’― and πŸ‘ that’s πŸ’ͺ just πŸ‘ with πŸ‘ my πŸ‘¨ bare 🐻 hands. πŸ™Œ Not 🚫 only πŸ•¦ am πŸ‘ I extensively πŸ‘ trained πŸ‘ in πŸ‘ unarmed πŸ‘ combat, πŸ”« but πŸ‘ I have πŸ‘ access πŸ”– to πŸ’¦ the πŸ‘ entire πŸ‘ arsenal πŸ”« of πŸ’¦ the πŸ‘ United πŸ‘ States πŸ‘Œ Marine πŸ‘ Corps 🐬 and πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ will πŸ‘ use πŸ‘ it πŸ’― to πŸ’¦ its πŸ™… full 🌝 extent πŸ“– to πŸ’¦ wipe πŸ‘ your πŸ‘ miserable πŸ‘ ass πŸ‘ off πŸ“΄ the πŸ‘ face πŸ˜€ of πŸ’¦ the πŸ‘ continent, 🌎 you πŸ‘ˆ little πŸ‘Œ shit. πŸ’© If πŸ‘ only πŸ•¦ you πŸ‘ˆ could πŸ”’ have πŸ‘ known πŸŽ“ what 😦 unholy πŸ™Œ retribution πŸ‘ your πŸ‘ little πŸ‘Œ β€œclever” πŸ‘ comment πŸ’¬ was πŸ‘ about πŸ’¦ to πŸ’¦ bring 🚢 down πŸ”» upon πŸ‘¦ you, πŸ‘ˆ maybe πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ˆ would πŸ‘ͺ have πŸ‘ held πŸ‘ your πŸ‘ fucking πŸ‘‰ tongue. πŸ‘… But πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ˆ couldn’t, 😲 you πŸ‘ˆ didn’t, πŸ‘ and πŸ‘ now πŸ‘‹ you’re πŸ‘ paying πŸ’² the πŸ‘ price, πŸ’² you πŸ‘ˆ goddamn 😀 idiot. πŸ’’ I will πŸ‘ shit πŸ’© fury πŸ‘ all πŸ’― over πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ˆ and πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ˆ will πŸ‘ drown 🌊 in πŸ‘ it. πŸ’― You’re πŸ‘ fucking πŸ‘‰ dead, πŸ’€ kiddo. πŸ‘

Invited by: Bailey Martens

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